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Friday 18 March 2016

Labour news you cannot afford to miss !
The Presidency Maintains No Recollection of Ms Mentor

“The Presidency refutes the misleading media reports stating that the former ANC MP, Ms Vytjie Mentor “accompanied” President Jacob Zuma on a state visit to China in 2010.”
read more…http://all

Samwu president, deputy president and treasurer dismissed
“The South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) has removed its president, Pule Molalenyane, first deputy president, John Dlamini and its national treasurer, Portia Lindi.” read more...http://www.bdl
South Africa a dumping site for American poultry, says SA farmer

“Under its preferential trade programme on agricultural goods under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), American poultry should be allowed into South Africa by 15 March 2016. Is the deal a good or bad for SA farmers?”
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Victory for workers and COSATU as Parliament adopts the Revenue Laws Amendment Bill.

“The Congress of South African Trade Unions very much welcomes the adoption of the Revenue Laws Amendment Bill by parliament today.”
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University of Cape Town may cut jobs as it applies austerity

The University of Cape Town (UCT) has not ruled out retrenchments as it moves to implement strict austerity measures. The university needs to save R120m by 2018 “to avoid entering a serious deficit budget scenario”,… read more…http://www.bdl

Irvin Jim on the possible formation of a workers party

“NUMSA General Secretary Irvin Jim on the prospects of a new federation and workers party Irvin Jim on the possible formation of a workers party .”
click here to watch..

Sedition, Subversion, Sabotage: A Long-War Strategy for the Left

“As the viciousness of capitalism engulfs ever more of us, our yearnings for change are approaching desperation. The system’s current leader, Barack Obama, has shown us that the only change we can believe in is what we ourselves create.” read more…http://dis

Antonio Gramsci and Britain’s Corbyn moment

“In this column, Camila Bassi uses a Gramscian theoretical approach to tackle the question: how was Jeremy Corbyn elected leader of the Labour Party in the 2015 elections in Britain?” read more…http://colu

Edward Snowden: ‘We Must Seize The Means of Communication’ to Protect Basic Freedoms
“Renowned NSA whistleblower calls for ‘radical’ popular action to take control of information technologies.” read more…http://rea
Judge: Chipotle’s social media policy violates US labor laws

“An administrative judge found Chipotle’s social media policy violated federal labor laws while ruling in favor of a Philadelphia-area employee who was fired after criticizing the company on Twitter last year.”  read more…http://www.sac

Report examines how SF could provide Internet access to all

“San Francisco’s longstanding effort to provide Internet access to all residents and businesses was once again pushed to the forefront of political discourse with the release Tuesday of a new report analyzing different business and financial models.”   read more…http://www.sfe

US millennials feel more working class than any other generation

“Social survey data reveals downshift in class identity among 18-35s, with only a third believing they are middle class.” 
read more…http://www.the

Indonesia asks for US 1965 Massacre Files

“Indonesia has asked Washington to release its files on the 1965-66 US-backed massacres of communists and alleged sympathisers that left millions dead.”  read more…https://www.mor

‘Self-Organizing Act’ — Cure or Band-Aid for Gig Economy Workers?

“Self-employed independent contractors in the Golden State can neither form unions nor negotiate collective bargaining pacts, but part of those conditions could soon change, according to Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego).”  read more…http://cap

Icasa turns down all five free-to-air TV applications

“Independent Communications Authority of SA to reissue an invitation to apply for a free-to-air licence after rejecting five applications — including Gupta family’s Infinity Media Networks”.
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TPP extension of copyright threat to online libraries

“Using a scanner to copy text from a book, the woman prints it out, and then uses a red pen to go through it letter by letter. She compares the printed text with the original, and makes corrections to any errors she spots on her personal computer.”
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Facebook and the New Colonialism

“Today’s empires are born on the web, and exert tremendous power in the material world.”
read more…http://www.the

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