E-NEWS BULLETIN Friday 21 August 2015 Labour news you cannot afford to miss !

SOUTH AFRICA: Mining, job losses and the system “Large scale redundancies in the South African mining sector, running to tens of thousands of jobs, are probably inevitable. But only because of the system in which we have to operate.” read more…http://www.pre

SOUTH AFRICA: ‘Blood on Zuma, Ramaphosa’s hands’ “UCT students, belonging to the Rhodes Must Fall Movement, on Tuesday called on President Jacob Zuma and Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa to admit they were complicit in the killing of miners during the Marikana massacre in 2012.” read more… http://www.iol

SOUTH AFRICA:The Women of Marikana Speak Out “This women’s month marks two years since the Marikana massacre. The widows of the workers killed by the South African Police Service in 2012 have since received their deceased husband’s provident fund dues…” click here to watch… https://www.yout

SOUTH AFRICA: Our actions shape attitudes to women Policies and laws exist to protect women and girls but we need to take responsibility and act on them. “I’m going to kill you! I’m going to kill you!” This shrill and violent threat rang out across the street from my office block last week.” read more… http://mg.

SOUTH AFRICA: Foes unite to keep job crisis at bay “The local steel industry is vanishing and about 190 000 people face losing their jobs.It is Monday morning in Newtown, Johannesburg. The meeting of traditional foes has one thing on their agenda uniting them: to save the steel industry.” read more… http://mg

CHINA: The Tianjin explosions and the discrediting of capitalism “The official death toll from the massive explosions that devastated a substantial area of the port of Tianjin on Thursday night has reached 57. The number of fatalities is expected to rise significantly….” read more… http://www.wsw

SOUTH AFRICA:SA must secure ties with China, Russia – ANC “South Africa’s embrace of the Russian bear and Chinese panda is set to get tighter, with the ANC viewing the role of both countries as integral to its own international and domestic agendas.” read more… http://www.wsw

USA:World capitalism “toboggans toward catastrophe” “Seven years after the Wall Street crash of September 2008, fears are growing within ruling circles internationally that the world capitalist economy, far from recovering, is descending into depression. There is increasing speculation as to where the next financial meltdown, triggering a collapse in trade and production, will occur.” read more…https://www.wsw

TURKEY: Turkish attempts to form coalition government have failed; new election on the horizon “On Thursday, 13 August, after a short meeting between Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkish Prime Minister and leader of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), and Kemal Kilicdaroglu, leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), Davutoglu announced the collapse of talks between the parties to form a coalition government.” read more…http://www.ame

USA: This Apple employee is so secretive he signs his emails with a question mark (AAPL)? “Apple is known for being extremely secretive not only to the public, but internally as well. Employees learn information on a need-to-know basis, which means you’re only given the exact amount of insight you need to do your job.” read more…http://www.sfg

UK: Attitudes, Media and Culture “Equality between women and men will not be achieved by legal change alone. How our society, our culture, communities and individuals view women and women’s equality will make a huge difference.” read more… http://www.faw

INTERNATIONAL: Industry bargaining for living wages “As pressure is increasing on multinational corporations (MNCs) to account for violations of workers’ rights in their global supply chains, trade unions are identifying how MNCs’ own sourcing practices lead to these violations and developing new models of cooperation to change them.” read more… http://www.ind

USA: Greece’s PM Alexis Tsipras resigns “Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras did not give a date for the new polls but they are expected to be held on September 20, the state news agency ANA said, citing government sources.” read more… http://mg

CHINA: China’s Renminbi Devaluation May Initiate New Phase in Global Currency War “For years, China looked like the principled noncombatant. As other countries, seeking to secure an economic advantage, let the value of their currencies slide on international markets, China held firm on the value of its money.” read more…http://www.nyt

SOUTH AFRICA: ANC – The media is ganging up on us “In its discussion document on the battle of ideas, media transformation and diversity and accelerating digital future released on Monday ahead of its national general council on October 9 to October 12, the ANC expressed its unhappiness with the consistent negative coverage by the media on the party…” read more…http://mg

USA: AT&T Helped U.S. Spy on Internet on a Vast Scale “The National Security Agency’s ability to spy on vast quantities of Internet traffic passing through the United States has relied on its extraordinary, decades-long partnership with a single company: the telecom giant AT&T.” read more…http://www.nyti

USA:Uber’s Attempt To Silence Its Drivers May Have Just Backfired “Much has been made over how Uber, the car service that enables users to hail a car within minutes of pressing a few keys on their smartphones, is jumpstarting the “gig-economy.” Frequently lost amid the discussion over disrupting existing industries, however, is the fact that workers in this new economy often gett the short-shrift.” read more… http://int