GIWUSA Condemns the Selling of Clover to Israeli-led Consortium

The Competition Commission of South Africa has approved the sale of Clover to a consortium of companies led by Tel Aviv based Central Bottling Company. The General industry Workers Union of South Africa (GIWUSA) condemns this deal.
GIWUSA will be attending the pre-hearing of the Competition Tribunal on Friday, 2nd August 2019 to appeal to it not to sanction this sale.

RED ANTS suspension: R2K demands justice for Samuel Mabunda!

Statement by the Right2Know campaign, 5 July 2019

The Right2Know welcomes the decision by the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSiRA) to suspend the services of the Red Ants pending an investigation into their conduct. In June 2017, the community of Ivory Park with the assistance of R2K Gauteng lodged a formal complaint with PSiRA against the Red Ants Security, Relocation & Eviction Services for the assault, murder, theft and destruction of property that occurred in Ivory Park on 22 May 2017. Similar conduct was observed in Midvaal and Lenasia.

CWAO Statement on the state’s threat to AMCU


Resist state attacks on trade unions

Casual Workers Advice Office press release 1 May 2019

Yesterday’s ‘constructive engagement’ between AMCU and the Registrar of Labour Relations over the union’s possible deregistration must lull no one into believing a crisis has passed. Quite the contrary. The AMCU incident signals a deepening of the state’s attack on trade unions, following the unprecedented 2018 legislative attack on unions’ ability to strike and picket. The Department of Labour’s threat to deregister AMCU is a continuation of that attack on worker organisations and must be resisted by all progressive forces.

SOS Coalition Press Statement on ICASA and Minister of Communications

Stella, Hands Off our regulator

The SOS Coalition is seriously concerned by media reports that Minister of Communications, Ms Stella Nadabeni-Abrahams is threatening the independence of The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa, (ICASA) by withholding the first tranche of annual funding to the regulator and insisting on it amending its Annual Performance Plan to remove references to 5G.

SRWP Gauteng condemns the brutal capitalist ANC government for attacking the working class of Boipatong

The Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (SRWP) condemns in the strongest terms the brutal actions of the capitalist ANC government for attacking the working class of Boipatong in Sedibeng.

On Wednesday the community marched to the local municipality to demand answers over the fact that they have been without electricity for three weeks. They were joined by members of the SRWP, NUMSA members who are on strike at Arcelor Mittal, as well as members of the United Front. They are united in their demand for electricity.

Working Class Movement statement

Issued 29 November 2018

The leadership of the 147 working class formations that convened and met at the Working-Class Summit in July 2018 to launch a working-class movement met again on 23 November 2018 to evaluate the programme adopted by the Summit. 

The leaders of the working class movement agreed unanimously that the situation that had necessitated the convening of the Working Class Summit has worsened. 

Coalition seeks comprehensive social security

Black Sash press release, 28 November 2018

Arising from widespread concerns raised by civil society organizations, Black Sash hosted a Social Security Seminar from 21 to 23 November 2018 with the theme Facing A World Without Full Employment. The seminar focused on the causes for and options to address structural unemployment within South Africa.

Victory for THORN workers at Spar: former labour broker employees to be insourced



SAFTU press statement, 2 November 2018

The South African Federation of Trade Unions congratulates the workers at Spar South Rand and their union THORN on their victory today when they reached an agreement that all rights conferred on a recognized representative trade union are being granted forthwith to THORN.

From 1 December 2018, all former employees of two labour brokers will be insourced and employed directly by Spar, and the grievances of these former Temporary Employment Service employees will be referred directly to Spar. 

Amadiba Crisis Committee: “We are in solidarity with the Jama community protests against Sanral!”

Since Monday 22 October, the residents of Jama community in inland Amadiba area have been blocking the works for the building of the Mtentu giant bridge. The blockade continued today.

The people of Jama demand that Sanral keeps it promises of giving the jobs to the locals. They demand:

  • The security with big guns must leave the site! The children are very scared when they go to school and local adults as well.
  • The Project Liaison Committee and the Project Liaison Officer Mr Zeka Mnyamana must be changed! The PLO and PLO must be elected by the community.
  • Sanral’s truck driving testing officer must leave. All experienced local drivers are failing his “tests”. Nobody knows why.

Watch video of the blockade on the Amadiba Crisis Committee's Facebook page.