Nene’s axing a victory for ANC’s ‘tenderpreneur’ faction
“Finance Minister Nene was this evening, in our [Nomura’s] view, removed from his post by President Jacob Zuma on disagreements over nuclear affordability and shareholder oversight of SAA. He is replaced by David van Rooyen.” read more..http://mg.co

Is the ANC right about press regulation? Research says ‘NO’ “Two weeks ago the Media Policy and Democracy Project launched its most recent research report, this time tackling the now thorny issue of press regulation in South Africa.” read more...http://www.da

The Entire Labor Movement Should Be Paying Attention to Wisconsin’s Kohler Strike
“Two thousand workers at the Kohler faucet plant in Wisconsin have been walking the picket since November 16. Such a strike would have been commonplace decades ago.”
read more..http://int

Three workers dead in two separate Perth workplace accidents
“Three men have been killed in two separate workplace accidents in Perth, including two who were crushed to death after a concrete panel fell on them in East Perth“ read more..http://www.abc

Beijing issues first pollution red alert as smog engulfs capital “Beijing has issued its first pollution red alert as acrid smog enveloped the Chinese capital for the second time this month.” read more…http://www.the

Unions Condemn Leaked Trade-in-Services Pact “Two international trade union federations reacted angrily yesterday to leaked details of a controversial trade pact..” read more..http://www.mor

Greeks Strike to Protest Latest Austerity Measures
“Workers across Greece walked off their jobs on Thursday, heeding a call by labor unions to join the second general strike in three weeks to protest a new round of austerity measures.” read more…http://www.ny

Saudi Arabia to Reopen Case of Sri Lankan Maid Sentenced to Death by Stoning
“The woman – a 45-year-old mother of two – was convicted in August along with an unmarried Sri Lankan man. She was sentenced to death by stoning, while the man was sentenced to 100 lashes.” read more..http://www.bbc

Democratizing education?
“Do free learning resources benefit the disadvantaged and decrease gaps between rich and poor?.” read more..https://www.scie

Minister in shock move to ‘hijack’ SABC “controversial Communications Minister Faith Muthambi has launched an audacious bid to take command of the SABC in a move that would put the public broadcaster under direct state control.” read more...http://www.tim

SA spooks want to rule internet
“The government plans to erect a wall around the internet in the name of cyber security.” read more..http://www.tim

Labour activists detained for doing the job of the trade union “Two prominent labour activists have been formally detained by the Guangzhou authorities for “gathering a crowd to disturb social order,” in what appears to be a coordinated crackdown on labour groups in the city.” read more..http://www.clb

War on terror continues to terrorise workers “In the aftermath of the indiscriminate mass murders in Paris, European governments have used this tragedy to step up war efforts and curtail civil liberties.” read more..http://aaw

Global living wage campaign for Cambodia kicks off “On International Human Rights Day, labour network Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) joins more than 25 countries in a global call on major brands such as H&M, GAP, Levi’s and Inditex to make sure Cambodian workers receive US$177 as a first step towards a living wage.” read more …http://www.cle

One Belt, One Road: China’s response to the US “pivot” “At two top-level gatherings in Asia last month—the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the East Asia Summit—US President Barack Obama again exploited maritime disputes in the South China Sea to press his “pivot to Asia” agenda…” read more...http://www.wsw

Venezuela opposition wins supermajority in National Assembly
“Venezuela’s opposition won a key two-thirds majority in the National Assembly in legislative voting, according to final results released Tuesday, …” read more..http://news.yah

Never again. Cronulla riot – Sydney, Australia “Ten years ago, on the 11th of December, in a media inspired frenzy, thousands of people converged in Sydney’s seaside suburb of Cronulla to unleash an anti-Lebanese and anti-Arab riot..” read more..http://aawl.org.au

‘Dear Daddy…’ Max Zuckerberg’s Letter back to her Father
“Yesterday Mark Zuckberg accompanied the birth of his first child, a daughter Max, with a long open letter.” read more…http://www.the

Op-Ed: Faith Muthambi returns SABC to apartheid days “With a few deft strokes of her pen, Communications Minister Faith Muthambi had amended several key clauses of the 1999 Broadcasting Act linked to the appointment of SABC Boards..” read more…http://www.dai

Five SA myths debunked by the Reconciliation barometer “The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation’s 2015 survey provides the stats to counter myths around the rainbow nation and four other SA fantasies.” read more…http://mg.co

When Labor Groups and Silicon Valley Capitalists Join Forces to “Disrupt” Protections for Employees “At the recently convened White House Summit on Worker Voice, President Obama argued that the central economic problem of the day is making sure that everyone who works hard is “getting paid a decent wage with decent benefits,…”
read more..http://int

Migrants processing Thai chicken exports ‘abused, exploited’ “Migrants processing Thai chicken for its biggest export market, Europe, face widespread abuse by their employers, partly because foreign auditors have focused on food safety rather than workers’ conditions, …” read more...http://www.ban

China Creates a World Bank of Its Own, and the U.S. Balks “In setting up the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, China enlisted American allies, including Britain, even as Washington expressed skepticism…” read more ...http://www.nyt

The Formation Of The Mexcian National Democratic Independent Union of Agricultural Workers , NAFTA And US Labor
“Labor Council For Latin America LCLAA Sacramento leader Al Rojas who was also one of the founders of the United Farm Workers Union talks about the formation of the new Mexican union …” click here to watch..https://www.you

Kerry’s ‘Binational’ Comment Causes Outrage in Israel “US Secretary of State John Kerry caused an outrage in Israel after warning that the country will no longer exist as “Jewish” and “democratic” state, …” read more..http://sput

A brief history about ISIS
“ISIS emerged out of the dashed hopes of the Arab Spring.” read more…https://www.jac

Slaves to the machine: Cyber-Proletariat “Technology empowers but also impoverishes us, according to a dense but rewarding treatise on economic, social and cybernetic theory, writes Peter Murphy .” read more...http://www.irish