Friday 24 July 2015
Labour news you cannot afford to miss !
Talk in Athens: The Dialectics of Revolutionary Strategy and Tactics
“On July 9, 2015, Alex Steiner gave a talk at the Locomotivo Cooperative Cafe in Athens, Greece. The event was a huge success attracting a packed audience of about 50 people. The talk was sponsored by the Workers Revolutionary Party of Greece (EEK) and was chaired by Savas Michael-Matsas.”
read more… http://for |
Greece’s Parliament Cannot Override the NO Vote. The Agreement with the Creditors is Illegal
“On Sunday July 5, the Greek people voted in a historic referendum to refuse the Troika’s draft agreement. The Referendum was an outright ”ritual of democracy”. The Greek people were betrayed. On Monday morning, July 6, on the day following the referendum, …”
read more…http://www.glo |
Donald Tusk warns of extremist political contagion
“I can feel, maybe not a revolutionary mood, but something like widespread impatience. When impatience becomes not an individual but a social experience of feeling, this is the introduction for revolutions.”
read more…http://www.pam |
A case of confusion, contradiction & irony
“Behind a very flimsy screen of unity and cohesion promoted last week by Cosatu president S’dumo Dlamini, the divisions in the country’s largest labour federation have become even greater.”
read more…http://ter |
China Set to Open World’s Longest and Highest Glass-Bottom Bridge
“China will soon finish construction on what will be the world’s tallest and longest glass pedestrian bridge, floating 300 meters above a canyon in the Zhangjiajie National Park.”
read more…http://www.arc |
General Wesley Clark calls for putting “disloyal” Americans in internment camps
“Retired US Army General Wesley Clark called for the internment of persons deemed “disloyal” to the United States government in an interview with MSNBC last Friday.”
read more…https://www.wsw |
I was a pieceworker for Google
“Working in a call center is pure hell. I was hired by a company that manages the 24/7 call center that contracts tech support for Google, the developer of the Android operating system that runs the smart phone you may have in your pocket.”
read more… http://www.soci |
Bangladeshi workers producing for Aldi in 24 hour protest for owed wages
“IOver 1000 workers owed months of wages following illegal factory closure.”
read more… http://www.cle |
Court denies equal work conditions for Palestinians in West Bank legal no-mans-land
“In a ruling with massive implications for Israeli-Palestinian work relations as well as possible diplomatic consequences, the National Labor Court on Sunday denied three Palestinians who work in an Israeli industry near Tulkarm equal work conditions to Israelis, deciding that the location is essentially a legal no-man’s land because of its special circumstances.”
read more… http://www.vos |
BRICS bank launched in China as alternative to World Bank, IMF
“A new USD 100 billion bank floated by BRICS nations, including India, as an alternative to the World Bank and IMF to boost infrastructure funding in the emerging economies and offer them tailor-made services was launched here on Tuesday.”
read more… http://tim |
Numsa edges towards Cosatu split
“A week after suffering defeat at the Cosatu national special congress, metalworkers union Numsa is still in limbo.”
read more…http://www.tim |
SA Marikana’s Deep Throat: Charge Brigadier Malahlela, unravel police lies and deceit
“To unravel the weave of police lies and deceit in the aftermath of the Marikana Massacre, a loose end has to be found. That loose end was finally discovered, courtesy of a mysterious informer that the evidence leaders dubbed ‘Deep Throat’.”
read more…http://www.dai |
US Army simulates gun battles, sets off explosives in Flint, Michigan
“US Army soldiers simulated assaults and set off explosives in Flint, Michigan last week as part of 10 days of urban warfare training exercises staged in southeastern Michigan.”
read more…http://www.wsw |
Ex-Googler says she exposed company-wide pay inequality with crowdsourced spreadsheet
“When thousands of Google employees organized to share their salaries internally — allegedly highlighting troubling patterns in the way people were paid — Google got angry, according to a former Google engineer who wrote about the incident on Twitter on Friday.”
read more…http://fus |
Uber exec says Clinton will ’embrace’ gig economy
An Uber executive and former top adviser to President Obama said Tuesday that he believed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would come to embrace the burgeoning “gig economy.”
read more… http://the |
‘Remaining and expanding’: Measuring the Islamic State group’s success
“Since its declaration of a ‘caliphate’ on 29 June 2014, the Islamic State group (IS), the brutal successor to al-Qa’ida, has gone from strength to strength.”
read more… http://www.amec |
California drought makes quest for water a consuming grind
“Their two peach trees had turned brittle in the heat, their neighborhood pond had vanished into cracked dirt and now their stainless-steel faucet was spitting out hot air. “That’s it. We’re dry,” Miguel Gamboa said during the second week of July, and so he went off to look for water.”
read more… http://www.was |