Healthcare workers at Cecilia Makiwane Hospital in Mdantsane had to stage a silent protest for the hospital management to agree to decontaminate the hospital. |
A covid-19 cluster outbreak in a school in Mount Frere causes panic in the Eastern Cape and teachers union calls for schools to be shut down in the province.
The provision of services at some public health facilities in the Eastern Cape has been chaotic since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the province at the end of March.
Tito Mboweni’s supplementary budget has proved that he is not fit to manage this crisis. The minister has completely ignored the immense suffering of the mass of poor people. Instead, he has chosen this moment to push through his favourite structural adjustment agenda. AIDC PRESS STATEMENT ON THE SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET
Just about every week of the lockdown, shack dwellers in Durban have faced demolition crews who burn their belongings and leave them homeless – in violation of the law, and despite the moratorium on evictions. BUTLER, DRAPER, NTSENG, PHILPOTT, | NEW FRAME
Despite pan-African rhetoric, the South African government has withheld crisis support from migrants in the informal sector and significant sections of the formal sector and unemployed migrants. A narrow nationalist response to the Covid-19 crises endangers everyone and only solidarity can transcend it. FAISAL GARBA, NCUMISA WILLIE | GLOBAL LABOUR COLUMN
SA’s front-line doctors are concerned about their mental and physical health, a new survey has found. SUTHENTIRA GOVENDER | TIMESLIVE
“I’m emotionally drained from yesterday and now I have to face today,” nurses Verna Collins and Judith Parenzee said. “We are full full full.” Their work day lasts 12 hours. TAMMY PETERSEN | NEWS24
New Era’s parent company, Golden Era, issued suspension notices to 86 workers when they refused to work after at least 12 staff members tested positive for Covid-19. ZOË POSTMAN | GROUNDUP
In a recent webinar held on Tuesday 23 June and hosted by the Jerusalem Post on global racial tensions that included the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, Warren Goldstein, Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng expressed profound support for the state of Israel guided by his Christian beliefs and biblical texts. PALESTINE SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN
A number of inaccurate, problematic, and dangerous historical claims have been asserted recently in a flurry of articles attempting to defend Professor Nattrass’s South African Journal of Science publication ‘Why are black South African students less likely to consider studying biological sciences?’ against the critique launched by UCT’s Black Academic Caucus. BENSON, COOPER, FAVISH, GILLESPIE, GODSELL, HUNTER AND LUBINSKY | DAILY MAVERICK
The system-wide challenges the United States faces with policing are entrenched and deeply rooted. When the historical and current practices of police are examined, it is evident police have been designed to uphold the status quo including racial injustice and class inequality. KEVIN ZEESE, MARGARET FLOWERS | POPULAR RESISTANCE
The databases of police killings show that socioeconomic position plays a big role in police killings. The highest-poverty areas have a police killing rate of 6.4 per million while the lowest-poverty areas have a police killing rate of 1.8 per million. JUSTIN FELDMAN | PEOPLE’S POLICY PROJECT
In 1905, Pennsylvania did something unprecedented: It founded America’s first state police force. It was created for one reason: the state government wanted a more organized and efficient way to break strikes. The new force approached that mission with zeal — and violence. TAYLA ZAX | FORWARD
The drones that kill the Iraqi, Yemeni, Pakistani, Somali civilians, the bombs, the fighter jets, the missiles and guns that are sold to the tyrants, they are all parts of the same system of oppression that brutalizes Black Americans. BEHROOZ GHAMARI TABRIZI | COUNTERPUNCH
Contrary to the image of brutal and repressive communists, police in Cuba offer an instructive example for activists in the United States. Police beatings of criminals are rare and police murders are nonexistent. And Cuba has one of the lowest crime rates in Latin America. REESE ERLICH | THE PROGRESSIVE
The U.S. ruling class, whose capitalist system is the historical midwife of modern racism, is not threatened by the racialist and black-capitalist BLM. But just to make sure that black anger is kept within safe political boundaries, a critical, cash-rich arm of concentrated wealth agreed last year to lavishly fund the group. PAUL STREET | TRUTHDIG, 2017
An Oklahoma lawyer details the attack by hundreds of whites on the thriving black neighborhood of Rosewood in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where hundreds died 95 years ago. ALLISON KEYES | SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE
There is nothing strange about the gap between the knowledge that most university leaders have and don’t have about systemic racism, and the sites where systemic racism is studied with arguably most rigor and care. NELSON MALDONADO-TORRES | FRANTZ FANON FOUNDATION
The politics of the Gilets Jaunes are often misunderstood or overlooked, yet the movement should be a point of reference for struggles across Europe. PIERRE DARDOT, CHRISTIAN LAVAL | ROAR
The majority of workers and roughly 70% of Black and Hispanic workers who are currently working onsite at their workplaces, and not at home, believe they face considerable risks from the coronavirus. PETER DORMAN , LAWRENCE MISHEL | ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE
The Chinese president made this pledge Wednesday during an extraordinary China-Africa Summit on solidarity against COVID-19. SAMUEL ITSEDE | DAYBREAK
Serious questions about the neoliberal response to the current pandemic are raised by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez and Jorge Núñez Jover, dean of the University of Havana’s Science, Technology and Society department. OSCAR SÁNCHEZ SERRA, ENRIQUE MORENO GIMERANEZ | GRANMA
Both in Israel and the US, conversations about reparations and the Palestinian right of return are stifled by arguments explaining why injustice must go on and a yearning for the status quo. MIKO PELED | MINT PRESS NEWS
Israel has not influenced U.S. law enforcement by training it to be more violent, but rather has served as a model in creating the American Security State. JEFF HALPER | MONDOWEISS
“100°F about 70 miles north of the Arctic Circle today in Siberia. That’s a first in all of recorded history. We are in a climate emergency.” JAKE JOHNSON | COMMON DREAMS
US plaintiffs are pursuing the German giant over claims its glyphosate-based weed killers cause cancer. Talks have been ongoing for more than a year. AFP/AP/REUTERS
Data from new smartphone apps being used to track COVID infections can easily be weaponized to block access to employment, health care, mobility and more JAMES KILGORE | TRUTHOUT
David Harvey is a university professor and a geographer who describes himself as a Marxist. His series of video lectures on Capital have been viewed by hundreds of thousands as a new generation of young people became interested in Marxism in the wake of the 2008 crisis. For these reasons, his recent statement that he is against the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism has logically caused a stir. JORGE MARTIN | IN DEFENSE OF MARXISM
The concept of white privilege was not invented by some liberal university professors. In fact, the concept of white privilege was invented by a white man: a radical activist and historian who never went to college. RICHARD MOSER | COUNTERPUNCH
The oppression of women is very ancient: it existed before capitalism, which is also a system of oppression, but one that is more global in nature. Patriarchy can be defined in simple terms as the oppression and objectification of women by men. DENISE COMANNE | CADTM
With Da 5 Bloods, Spike Lee repurposes the typical Vietnam War movie narrative, which has long been an ode to the last gasps of traditional American masculinity, to instead examine Black trauma and reckon with the devastating consequences that American violence has wrought upon the world and its own citizens. HOAI-TRAN BUI | SLASH FILM
DISCLAIMER: This newsletter is intended to serve as a channel of special and alternative news, information and knowledge source for all those interested in issues relevant to promoting political, social and economic equality and the eradication of poverty. The articles contained herein are obtained from various electronic media platforms and do not necessarily reflect the views of WWMP.