THE US IN THE ERA OF TRUMP Trump rode the crest of white reaction that started with his feet in the puddles of the Tea Party. From champion of white, working class Americans to incumbent president, Trump set about refuting his anti-establishment credentials immediately and peopled his cabinet with millionaires. The temptation to paint him as a buffoon has busied the media in derision. Purported leaks from his inner most staff that Trump is a loon have been circulated. It is as if the fool that can denigrate women without compunction – in an election campaign! – was not just playing to the public gallery but tweeting as the emperor in a nightgown in private too.
The unfortunate fact of an American presidency is that as the leader of the world’s one super power, we have to all be afraid. While the bewildered Left in America is orientating itself to methods of resistance to Trump’s rule, international relations have been buffeted. Mexico has had to parry Trump’s bluster about a wall between the two countries and the threat of a war against China has been openly mooted by his chief of staff. The consequences for Africa of a Trump presidency aren’t clear beyond his ignorance of the continent’s existence. The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act that gave some African exports preferential treatment stands to be rescinded if Trump’s tirade against US trade deals is anything to go by. In South Africa, the expectation is that the new US ambassador will be a right-wing, racist Zionist. An ambassador can’t do much more than represent his empire to its outer reaches, but his affinity with the hate-monger in charge doesn’t bode well.
The ‘Inevitable’ War Against Iran & The Decline Of US Hegemony
In the United States, war is business and business is war. As the U.S. dominates global weapons exports, accounting for 33% of the entire market, the profits of war for both the private and public sector have guided U.S. foreign policy and military action for much of the past century. Though modern history is rife with examples of the United States using its military to further business interests and vice versa, nowhere has this been more clear than in Iran…
Press Secretary Sean Spicer Falsely Accuses Iran of Attacking U.S. Navy Vessel, an Act of War
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer asserted at Thursday’s press briefing that Iran had attacked a U.S. naval vessel, as part of his argument defending the administration’s bellicose announcement that Iran is “on notice.” The White House press corps wanted to know what being put “on notice” entailed, and Spicer responded by claiming that Iran’s government took actions against a U.S. naval vessel, which would be an act of war…
Trump’s FCC Pick Quickly Targets Net Neutrality Rules
 In his first days as President Trump’s pick to lead the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai has aggressively moved to roll back consumer protection regulations created during the Obama presidency…
The FCC is stopping 9 companies from providing federally subsidized Internet to the poor
Regulators are telling nine companies they won’t be allowed to participate in a federal program meant to help them provide affordable Internet access to low-income consumers — weeks after those companies had been given the green light…
Uber CEO, Trump Face Defeat by New York City’s Mainly Immigrant Taxi Workers’ Union
 Uber CEO retreats from White House group after organized immigrant drivers protested the “Muslim ban” and #DeleteUber went viral…
Whose Strike?
Following the massive Women’s March and the surprising partial success of protests against Trump’s immigration ban, many feel that the logical step is to escalate. Seize the momentum, put more pressure on the administration, disrupt and paralyze as much as possible. I feel it myself…
Tech Opposition to Trump Propelled by Employees, Not Executives
 After President Trump’s Jan. 27 executive order restricting immigration, high-tech has gone full-tilt political. Companies are being pushed by their employees, by their customers and sometimes by their ideals. They are trying to go far enough without going too far…
Not Everyone in Tech Cheers Visa Program for Foreign Workers
 More than any other industry, tech companies depend on the 85,000 foreign workers allowed into the United States annually under the H-1B visa program. The H-1B is a temporary visa intended to bring in foreign professionals with college degrees and specialized skills to fill jobs when qualified Americans cannot be found. Technology giants like Microsoft and Google have pressed for increases in the annual quotas, saying there are not enough Americans with the skills they need…
A South African link to Trump’s inner circle
 Trump appointed Steve Bannon as his campaign manager last year and Bannon is now his chief political advisor and strategist. Bannon is a multi-talented (journalist, naval officer, investment banker and Hollywood producer) white nationalist Islamophobe who ran, and presumably still controls the tone of, an online news service called Breitbart News. Joel Pollak works for Breitbart. If you are connected at all with the Democratic Alliance and remember the glory days of Tony Leon, some bells may be starting to ring in your head. Pollak was a speechwriter for Leon from 2002 to 2006…
In Trump He Trusts: Meet the man who could be the next US ambassador to South Africa
Joel Pollak is a South African-born lawyer, former speechwriter to Tony Leon and the son-in-law of a local anti-apartheid activist. He also happens to be the editor-at-large of Breitbart, the alt-right website credited with helping galvanise white nationalists in America. Now he is being touted as a potential US ambassador to South Africa…