The 1st of Mayday or workers as it is known in South Africa is fast approaching, and in light of this we spoke to Narius Moloto the Secretary General of the National Council of Trade Unions NACTU. He strong believes that “May Day will remain a workers day Globally and locally” the day workers should reflect on their daily challenges.

There is no disputing the importance and the relevance of Mayday today, but workers in South Africa remain divided as Moloto puts it “in political agendas”. After their expulsion from COSATU, NUMSA is planning to form a new Federation to add to NACTU, FEDUSA, COSATU and CONSAWU that are already in existence.
The fundamental question will be what does this mean for the principle of Unity of workers? Moloto calls it a setback but is it? This interview is part of a Workers day program to go on air on the first week of May in 52 community radio stations countrywide.