SOUTH AFRICA: Digital terrestrial TV: The ANC has lost faith in Muthambi
“It’s now official: the ANC and the communications minister the ruling party deployed to the Cabinet are at war. There can be no other interpretation of the events of the last 24 hours”
read more… http://www.dai

SOUTH AFRICA: SA’s youth wage subsidy shows little results, World Bank report shows
“A short-term youth wage subsidy scheme which SA has tried has not been enough to eradicate youth unemployment, Solutions for Youth Employment (S4YE) coalition said in a report on Tuesday.”
read more…http://www.bdl
full report…https://www.s4y

USA: Teamsters pension fund to slash benefits for 400,000 retirees
“The Teamsters’ Central States Pension Fund, one of the largest retirement funds in the country, has sent letters to over 400,000 beneficiaries announcing that they will lose thousands of dollars in retirement benefits.”
read more…https://www.wsw

USA: UAW caught covering up plan to double temporary workers in new Fiat Chrysler agreement
“With a week remaining before workers at Fiat Chrysler vote on a new contract, the UAW has been caught in a cover-up with the company to hide a bombshell buried deep in the agreement.”
read more… https://www.wsw

ANKARA: “In Turkey, The Ankara Suicide-Bombings Show That Erdogan’s Party Must Go
“Turkey woke in mourning on October 11 after at least 95 people were killed by suspected suicide bombers at a peace rally of leftist and pro-Kurdish activists in Ankara, the deadliest such attack in the country’s recent history.”
read more… http://www.for

UK: Privatisation of World’s Schools Must Be Halted
“Forty years ago the provision of water was a public service that was taken for granted in many parts of the world. Few people thought water could ever be privatised and sold for private profit.”
read more… http://www.mor

ANKARA: Saved by stickers? A first-person account of the Ankara attack
“As I began to register the cause of the explosion and the plumes of smoke, I braced for another explosion amid the fleeing crowd“.
read more…http://www.hur

MIDDLE EAST: Why Israel has no Future in the Middle East
“On September 9, 2015, Sayed Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, repeated the Islamic Republic’s commitment, in word and deed, to liberate Palestine and put an end to the so-called State of Israel, the last colony on Earth, just as vicious as it is anachronical.”
read more… http://the

ANGOLA: Watch out Angola – repression only generates more dissent
“Angola is about to mark the 40th anniversary of its independence, but residents are in no mood to celebrate. The MPLA, the party that has governed for more than three decades, is crushing any and all dissent in a political climate that has become increasingly paranoid.”
read more… http://www.the

SOUTH AFRICA: Caxton says Naspers and SABC have ‘merged’. It may be right
“If the competition tribunal agrees with Caxton’s Moolman and rules that there has been a ‘merger’, it will have deep implicationss.”
read more…http://www.rdm
SOUTH AFRICA: We’ll do what we can to stop SABMiller take over – FAWU
“The Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU) is disturbed by speculations doing the rounds that the South African born trans/multinational company, SABMiller, will either merge with ABInbev or be taken over by the latter, because of lack of certainty and clarity on where the process is.”
read more…http://www.pol

USA: US airdrops arms in Syria as Russia escalates bombing campaign
” Just days after terminating its disastrously failed program to arm and train US-backed “rebels” in Syria, the Pentagon announced Monday that US Air Force C-17 cargo planes escorted by fighter jets airdropped some 50 tons of arms, ammunition and grenades to anti-government forces..”
read more…https://www.wsw

USA: Stephen Hawking Says We Should Really Be Scared Of Capitalism, Not Robots
“According to world famous physicist Stephen Hawking, the rising use of automated machines may mean the end of human rights – not just jobs. “
read more…http://www.huf

ANKARA: ‘We’re witnessing a massacre – and those responsible will not be brought to justice’
“More than 90 people were killed and 245 wounded in the worst terror attack in Turkey’s recent history, after two explosions targeted a peace rally in the centre of the country’s capital, Ankara.”
read more…http://www.the

UK: “Disruptive technologies”: lessons from Wapping
“The idea that new technologies will replace the need for human labour is not a new one. However, it is currently receiving a lot of attention, following a recent Panorama documentary, and arguments made by figures on the left such as Paul Mason and Yanis Varoufakis.”
read more… http://rs21

SOUTH AFRICA: Solidarity with the Palestinian popular resistance! Boycott Israel now!
“Whether the current phase of Israel’s intensified repression and Palestinian popular resistance will evolve into a full-fledged intifada or not, one thing is already evident—a new generation of Palestinians is marching…”
read more…http://www.bds

ISRAEL: Things R Us: the Fetishism of Technology
“Venture-capital always seeks to promote new “needs”—in the last 20 years or so, through a veritable hurricane of frenzied marketing of the latest technical gadgets and devices. .”
read more… http://www.cou

UK: Teachers Slam Use of Aid Money for Private Schools
“Teaching unions attacked the government’s use of aid money to fund private schools in developing countries yesterday as a breach of human rights.”
read more…http://www.mor

SOUTH AFRICA: Eskom abdicates its parastatal role as retrenchments looms
“The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is shocked and saddened that Eskom has announced that its business model has drastically changed as such they will be dismissing 331 employees on operational requirements.”
read more… http://www.pol

SOUTH AFRICA: South Africa’s pro-Palestine movement – struggling to repay the anti-Apartheid solidarity debt
“By the early 1990s it seemed that significant progress had been made to reach agreements in what were considered to be the world’s three main political hotspots – Northern Ireland, Palestine and South Africa.”
read more… https://www.mid

USA: The strange death of the antiwar movement
“After over 14 years of unending US wars of aggression waged in the name of fighting terrorism, humanitarian intervention and promoting “democracy,” the threat posed to mankind by the eruption of American militarism has never been so acute..”
read more…http://www.pol

USA: The Extremely Shitty Way One Man Learned He’d Been Fired From Twitter
“This morning, Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey announced he’s laying off 336 employees, but would do so “with the utmost respect for each and every person.”
read more… http://gaw

ANKARA: Turkey set for general strike, school boycott after Ankara Massacre
” Political parties, student groups, lawyers’ organizations and others have announced their backing for a two-day general strike starting Monday to protest the 10 October Ankara Massacre, which killed more than 100 people”
read more…http://sen
UK: Police stood down from watching Julian Assange
“Police officers lying in wait outside the Ecuadorian embassy for Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder and diplomatic fugitive, have been stood down from their posts, Scotland Yard has said.”
read more… http://www.ft.c

GERMANY: Dozens of Managers were involved in VW’s diesel scandal
“At least 30 Volkswagen managers played a role in using software to cheat on emissions testing on more than 10 million diesel cars, Der Spiegel reports. “
read more… http://www.wir

CHINA: China hits back at US in row over South China Sea
“Foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying alluded to the US when she blamed “some countries” for flexing “their military muscles again and again” in the South China Sea..”
read more… http://www.bbc

USA: Dollar is strong. US is broke.
“The U.S. government will exhaust its emergency cash-management measures by Nov. 3 and risks running out of cash shortly thereafter if the federal borrowing limit isn’t raised by Congress, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said Thursday.”
read more… http://www.wsj