Since our inception, the main focus of our work has been on radio, because this is still the best way to reach working class people in Africa. While the internet has transformed labour movement communications in the developed world, internet penetration in Africa remains low.
This is changing with the increasing use of smart phones, and we have begun to provide training for trade unionists in using new technology, but radio is still by far the most accessible and democratic medium.
Our flagship project has been in labour and community media: we have developed relationships with community and public radio stations across South Africa (and more recently across the continent), and trained presenters in delivering labour shows. We produce and pre-record radio news and a documentary feature in five different languages. This is played on around forty community radio stations around South Africa, and is then followed by a trade union phone in talk show. This ensures that labour and working class issues are aired across the country, and that ordinary workers can take part in the debates and ensure that their voices are heard. By producing shows in English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu and Sotho we are also able to ensure workers can participate in their own language. During 2006 we changed our name from Workers’ World Radio Productions to Media productions to express the shift to multi-media work.