Despite the ongoing national state of disaster that prohibits evictions, the Department of Public Works says it demolished new and under construction structures that interfere with an airport runway. NOMBULELO DAMBA-HENDRICK
During his visit to the Port Elizabeth area, Health Minister, Dr. Zweli Mkhize admitted that the health facilities in the Eastern Cape are in an appalling state. JOSEPH CHIRUME
Despite government’s repeated promises to upgrade sanitation facilities in South African schools, pit toilets are all that is available to 200 learners at the school, and only one is usable. NOMBULELO DAMBA-HENDRICK |
Residents who have been without electricity for years marched to City Power demanding that they be connected to the grid. RAMATAMO SEHOAI
According to gender activists, the lockdown due to covid-19 has tightened the grip abusers have over their victims at home. LILITA GCWABE
Be wary of statistics. Could South Africa’s low fatality rate for Covid-19 patients be as low as 1.4% compared with 15% in the UK? ANDREW HARDING | BBC
Salim Abdool Karim says the country must rediscover its community spirit to deal with a coming surge in infections. LINDA NORDLING | NATURE
South Africa is at a crossroads. All of the strengths we have as a society, which could and should have been mobilised against Covid-19 still exist. We can still save lives, rebuild livelihoods, and birth a better society. MARK HEYWOOD | DAILY CITIZEN
The labour union has uncovered shocking and dangerous working conditions under which health workers and staff have to perform their duties in some hospitals in the country. AZARRAH KARRIM | NEWS24
The health crisis, which will lead to a 4.9 percent contraction in global GDP, affects women more than men because they hold more jobs in the hardest-hit sectors. AFP
The current global crisis triggered by Covid-19 is the third capitalist crash in this century. And governments’ incapacity to consider non-capitalist solutions threatens to keep deepening this crisis into capitalism’s worst. RICHARD D. WOLFF | RT
The COVID-19 pandemic is like Hurricane Katrina, but for the entire country. And things are only going to get worse. SARAH JAFFE | THE PROGRESSIVE
COVID-19 re-affirmed journalism is a public good, yet as newsrooms collapse, journalism is in danger. ISAAC OTIDI AMUKE | AFRICA IS IS A COUNTRY
Sufferers with mild illness might expect to get better after a few weeks. But there’s mounting evidence this isn’t the case, and covid-19 may leave a long-lasting impression on its victims. PETER WARK | THE CONVERSATION
Thirteen shacks were demolished in Khenana informal settlement in Cato Manor in Durban on Tuesday. The operation involved the Durban Metro Police, the Anti-Land Invasion Unit, and Calvin and Family property developers. NOKULUNGA MAJOLA | GROUNDUP
Residents of a small village near Amsterdam in Mpumalanga recount the violent punishments meted out to them by local police officers. MAGNIFICENT MNDEBELE | NEW FRAME
Over 30 farm workers claim the owners of Paardekop Vrugte in Citrusdal in the Western Cape unfairly dismissed them. They also argue that their eviction from hostels on the farm was illegal. MARY-ANNE GONTSANA | GROUNDUP
The International Monetary Fund has approved a R70-billion loan for South Africa to help the country manage the fallout from covid-19. The most significant downside is that the loan is denominated in foreign exchange. DANNY BRADLOW | THE CONVERSATION
Once the pandemic is behind, there is a pressing need to ensure debt sustainability and implement structural reforms to support the recovery and achieve sustainable and inclusive growth. IMF PRESS RELEASE
Toxic masculinities help drive everything from HIV infection rates to gender-based violence. But before we ask, what does it mean to be a ‘man’ in South Africa, should we wonder what it’s like to be a boy? MALOSE LANGA | BHEKISISA
Graphic threats of gang rape and murder from an anonymous Instagram account to a 13-year-old South African, feature as the centrepiece in a soon-to-be heard landmark court action aimed at compelling US-owned Facebook Inc to disclose the identity of the perpetrator. MARIANNE THAMM | DAILY MAVERICK
A new government policy proposal for the rapid rollout of 5G technology allows networks to build a 5G tower on your property. TANYA WATERWORTH, DUNCAN GUY | IOL
The situation in Bolivia is still volatile with elections postponed to 18 October. In this interview with Antonio Abal, who was a consul in Argentina but from the revolutionary left, he reflects on the reality of his country. CARLOS AZNAREZ | RESUMEN ENGLISH
Ernest Wamba dia Wamba passed away on 15 July. He combined a lifelong commitment to emancipatory politics with a deep-seated African humanism. MICHAEL NEOCOSMOS | NEW FRAME
The renowned journalist and professor of sociology speaks about racism in the United States and Europe, Black Lives Matter and where it is he feels at home. PERCY ZVOMUYA | NEW FRAME
Are we living through a moment of lasting change? Two authors discuss Black Lives Matter, the Harper’s letter and where we go from here PANKAJ MISHRA, VIET THANH NGUYEN | THE GUARDIAN
Whether Israel’s illegal appropriation of Palestinian land takes place with massive media fanfare and a declaration of sovereignty, or whether it happens incrementally, Israel has, in reality, already annexed the West Bank—not just 30 percent of it but, in fact, the whole area. BAROUD, BAHOUR, KEARNEY | WRMEA |
The PA announced that security coordination with Israel will cease and Palestinian security forces withdrew from areas jointly monitored with Israeli forces in north and east Jerusalem shortly afterwards. ADNAN ABU AMER | AL JAZEERA
Israeli soldiers demolished a Palestinian security checkpoint used to test for coronavirus in the occupied West Bank. MEMO |
It’s time for stimulus policies to live up to the rhetoric and reflect a commitment to supporting clean energy over fossil fuels. CHIDO MUZONDO, RICHARD BRIDLE | M&G |
A record number of people were killed last year for defending their land and environment, according to research that highlights the routine murder of activists who oppose extractive industries. PATRICK GREENFIELD, JONATHAN WATTS | THE GUARDIAN |
Big corporations accused of driving environmental and health inequalities in black and brown communities through toxic and climate-changing pollution are also funding powerful police groups in major US cities. NINA LAKHANI | THE GUARDIAN
While remembering their past has not prevented history from repeating itself, it is not possible for the descendants of the world’s first successful slave revolt to forget the trauma inflicted on them by their northern neighbours. YVES ENGLER | CANADIAN DIMENSION
DISCLAIMER: This newsletter is intended to serve as a channel of special and alternative news, information and knowledge source for all those interested in issues relevant to promoting political, social and economic equality and the eradication of poverty. The articles contained herein are obtained from various electronic media platforms and do not necessarily reflect the views of WWMP.