Xenophobia rears its head: Gauteng on a knife-edge once more
There are numerous indications that Gauteng is once again teetering on the precipice of xenophobic violence. This is all playing out in full public view, so nobody can claim they didn’t see it coming. The question is: why isn’t anyone acting to stop it before it happens?…
Herman Mashaba still scot-free as attacks erupt
The Democratic Alliance has taken no steps against Johannesburg mayor Herman Mashaba after he called foreigners illegally in the country “criminals”…
State of the media in Zuma’s South Africa
Since Zuma has been in office, the country’s state-owned broadcaster, SABC, has grown more and more state-controlled …
Cops ask M&G journalist for statement on source of ‘leaked’ Absa report
Two police officers visited the Mail & Guardian offices in Johannesburg on Thursday to investigate a complaint laid by the Public Protector’s office regarding the leaking of its draft Absa report…
 New report reveals shocking failure by public and private bodies to uphold South Africans’ right of access to information
New research by the Access to Information Network has revealed a shocking dereliction of duties by public and private bodies to realise South Africans’ constitutional right of access to information…
Robertson Abattoir settlement reached six years later
Robertson Abattoir and the 39 workers who claimed they were unfairly dismissed in 2010 have reached a settlement agreement…
#RocheGreedKills: Global Day of Action against Roche’s Inhumanity
Swiss multinational company Roche faced global condemnation today from women living with cancer, families of people with cancer, activists, scientists, researchers and health professionals from across the world. Roche’s greed is preventing women from accessing affordable versions of trastuzumab, an essential medicine used in the treatment of breast cancer…
Zuma’s failure to fire Phiyega for role in Marikana beggars belief
There can be no good reason for the failure to publish the report of the Claassen inquiry into Gen Riah Phiyega’s misconduct over Marikana. Copies of the report have been circulating for months now…
AIDC Statement on 2017/2018 Budget: Another holding operation
Under extreme pressure of the Zuptas and other sections of the predatory elite, on the one hand, and the credit ratings agencies, on the other, Minister Gordhan has weaved a budget that amounts to too little, too late…
Terry Bell: A budget by any name would smell the same
The more things change, the more they stay the same. It’s an old French saying, says Terry Bell in his latest Labour Wrap, and he thinks it applies not only to the latest budget, but to almost all such economic policy statements…
Budget Analysis for Advancing Socio-Economic Rights